May 19, 2009

Photoshop Tutorial - Expressive Lighting Effects

Lighting effects are an effective way to add a detailed illustrative touch to a photo. Justin Maller demonstrates how to go about combining several lighting techniques. A word from Justin Maller : "In this tutorial, I’m going to look at (among other things) ways of bringing originality to digital lighting by introducing and vectoring traditional sketches, as well as examining some nifty Illustrator-based stroking techniques that achieve results with the greatest of ease."

Lighting effects are a versatile set of techniques that have recently come back into vogue in advertising and the fashion press. Lights and tracing motion effects can become part of the composition, adding brightness and motion to an image.

Download Photoshop Tutorial - Expressive Lighting Effects here!

Download support file Photoshop Tutorial - Expressive Lighting Effects here!

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Creating A Crazy Cool Logo

illustrator tutorials, Creating A Crazy Cool Logo
Word from author : "In this post I will show you how we created the logo. I will skip the drawing parts, yes there were tons of drawings before going to the computer, because when they stole my computer and backups in 2006 they took all my photos of the drawings."
illustrator tutorials, Creating A Crazy Cool Logo
To master Adobe Illustrator isn’t easy; and the creating process of professional illustrations requires both time and patience. Therefore Adobe Illustrator tutorials can turn out to be real life- and time-savers as they show exactly what needs to be done in order to create professional illustrations and how masters of illustration actually manage to do their magic.

Site link Creating A Crazy Cool Logo here!

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Maya Tutorial - Wireframe Rendering

Word from author : "Rendering wireframes in Maya isn’t quite as simple as the “one click” 3D Studio Max method. You can, of course, resort to using a screen capture or the hardware render buffer. I’ve even tried using the “apply the UV Snapshot as your texture file” method."

If you will be rendering a turnaround or need something a bit more permanent I suggest creating a new camera and animating or locking it down. If you just need a quick shot, just create a camera bookmark in your perspective window. (Figure 01) This way you can easily come back to the exact same view and lens settings later.

Site link Maya Tutorial - Wireframe Rendering here!

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3DS Max Tutorial: Modeling the Ironman Helmet

Word from author : "When I first saw Adi Granov's Ironman Helmet design in the movie, I was overwhelmed by how he had designed something that looked so geometrically simple yet harbors such a high-tech sophisticated look. Very naturally I seek to replicate that design for the sake of my own satisfaction."

The first thing one must do before any modeling begins is to obtain a decent schematic view of whatever you modeling. Please note that this principle should not apply when modeling LARGE scale buildings or anything huge as the fillet effect would end up giving your large scale buildings that vacuum form plastic toy model look.

Site link 3DS Max Tutorial: Modeling the Ironman Helmet here!

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Blender 3D Tutorial : Modeling Flange

This Blender 3D tutorial describes how to make a realistic looking eight-holed flange in Blender. It is not difficult to make a flange, the problem is how to make holes in the flange. Actually it is not difficult to make holes either. Anybody can make holes. The trick is how to make round holes. Luckily Blender 3D is capable of this. Following this Blender 3D tutorial, within 10-15 minutes (30 steps) you can make quite a nice flange with a whole bunch of holes suitable for all your technical needs.

Blender 3D Tutorial : Modeling Flange steps :
Step 1: start Blender and delete the default cube.
Step 2: Add --> Mesh --> Plane, and delete everything except one vertex.
Step 3: Extrude the vertex.
Step 4: Add Modifier --> Subsurf --> Level 3:
Step 5: Add --> Mesh --> Tube, Vertices 6.
Step 6: Select the lower edge of the Tube.
Step7: Using E and Z keys extrude the lower edge of the Tube along the Z-axis.
Step 8: W key --> Merge vertices.
Step 9: Using X key remove unnecessary vertices.
Step 10: Switch to the Top View, NUM 7.
Step 11: Select the upper edge of the thing.
Step 12: Hitting the Spin Button.
Step 13: Select the lower edge of the thing.
Step 14: Uncheck Closewise and hit Spin.
Step 15: Select the whole thing.
Step 16: Select the upper edge and hit S Y keys and number pad 0.
Step 17: Select the whole thing and press R Z keys and number pad 44.
Step 18: Select the lower edge of the thing.
Step 19: Hit S Y keys and number pad 0.
Step 20: Set Screw Degr: 360, Spin Steps: 8 and Spin Dup Turns: 1. Hit Spin Dup
Step 21: Press X key --> Vertices.
Step 22: Select the whole thing and press R Z keys and number pad -0.5.
Step 23: Using B key select edges.
Step 24: Hit S Y keys and number pad 0.
Step 25: Press W key --> Remove Doubles.
Step 26: Using B key select vertices.
Step 27: Press R Z keys and number pad 3.
Step 28: Repeat Step 26 and Step 27 for the lower vertices.
Step 29: Select the whole thing and hit R Z keys and number pad 45.
Step 30: Repeat Steps 23 – 29 for each segment.

Site link here!

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May 5, 2009

Blender UV Mapping

This article assume people know how to put an UV map on the model. However when you’re model is more complex than the average standard geometric shapes, the process can be pretty tedious. So, this is why this Blender UV mapping tutorial write.

For the purpose of this tutorial I assume you already have a model ready to be UV Mapped like the image on the right shows.

Site link here!

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Blender Tutorial: Animated Tree Growth

Word from author : "This is my first animation and animation tutorial. I wouldn't have written it, if something like this had already been made. One day I came across the problem that I had to animate the tree which I made in Blender. I needed to show how it grew. With neither experience nor examples I was about to fall into desperation, but the guys from forum were very helpful. They reassured me that everything is possible, if one really wants it."

We have a tree which will grow and the violin from which the tree will grow. The animation will go backward. Firstly we need to rig and skin the tree.
Blender step tutorial :
- Rigging
- Skinning
- Animating

Site link here!

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