In this Flash Tutorial tutorial, you will learn how to make a simple drag and drop game in Flash 8. This will involve creating a series of movie clips and adding some actionscript that makes them able to be dragged to any location on the screen.
In this game, users can choose different clothing items and drag them on or off the Gidgit girl. Note that the clothing is on a layer above the girl image so that it always appears in front.
The Flash Classroom site contains a number of other tutorials covering different types of drag and drop games. These include a tutorial which snaps the object back into the original location if it is moved to an incorrect spot and another that provides the user with a response if they move the object to a correct location.
These games are slightly more sophisticated and provide the user with more feedback. They are very useful for a range of educational games including sequencing activities, matching games, cloze activities and more.
Download Flash Tutorial : Make A Drag and Drop Game PDF File here!