May 19, 2009

Blender 3D Tutorial : Modeling Flange

This Blender 3D tutorial describes how to make a realistic looking eight-holed flange in Blender. It is not difficult to make a flange, the problem is how to make holes in the flange. Actually it is not difficult to make holes either. Anybody can make holes. The trick is how to make round holes. Luckily Blender 3D is capable of this. Following this Blender 3D tutorial, within 10-15 minutes (30 steps) you can make quite a nice flange with a whole bunch of holes suitable for all your technical needs.

Blender 3D Tutorial : Modeling Flange steps :
Step 1: start Blender and delete the default cube.
Step 2: Add --> Mesh --> Plane, and delete everything except one vertex.
Step 3: Extrude the vertex.
Step 4: Add Modifier --> Subsurf --> Level 3:
Step 5: Add --> Mesh --> Tube, Vertices 6.
Step 6: Select the lower edge of the Tube.
Step7: Using E and Z keys extrude the lower edge of the Tube along the Z-axis.
Step 8: W key --> Merge vertices.
Step 9: Using X key remove unnecessary vertices.
Step 10: Switch to the Top View, NUM 7.
Step 11: Select the upper edge of the thing.
Step 12: Hitting the Spin Button.
Step 13: Select the lower edge of the thing.
Step 14: Uncheck Closewise and hit Spin.
Step 15: Select the whole thing.
Step 16: Select the upper edge and hit S Y keys and number pad 0.
Step 17: Select the whole thing and press R Z keys and number pad 44.
Step 18: Select the lower edge of the thing.
Step 19: Hit S Y keys and number pad 0.
Step 20: Set Screw Degr: 360, Spin Steps: 8 and Spin Dup Turns: 1. Hit Spin Dup
Step 21: Press X key --> Vertices.
Step 22: Select the whole thing and press R Z keys and number pad -0.5.
Step 23: Using B key select edges.
Step 24: Hit S Y keys and number pad 0.
Step 25: Press W key --> Remove Doubles.
Step 26: Using B key select vertices.
Step 27: Press R Z keys and number pad 3.
Step 28: Repeat Step 26 and Step 27 for the lower vertices.
Step 29: Select the whole thing and hit R Z keys and number pad 45.
Step 30: Repeat Steps 23 – 29 for each segment.

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